Chapter 10
Descriptive statistics
Chapter 10 of Performing Music Research sets out the fundamental principles that underpin all statistics. Statistics must be used with care, and strict conditions govern their deployment, many of which have to be considered in the earliest stages of research. The chapter discusses techniques for organizing, describing, and summarizing data. It introduces the concepts of central tendency and variability, as it is essential for carrying out statistical tests to know the difference between means, medians, and modes, and when and how to use them, and to understand how data vary within, as well as between, samples.
Research spotlights
Box 10.2
Music students’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviours toward health
Research investigating how music students consider and address their mental and physical wellbeing.
Read the full report:
Araújo L, Wasley D, Perkins R, Atkins L, Redding E, Ginsborg J, & Williamon A (2017), Fit to perform: an investigation of higher education music students’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors toward health, Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (1558), 1-19 [DOI].
Film produced by: Tantrwm Digital Media
Box 10.3
Music students’ physical fitness
Research finding that more can be done to help ensure musicians are physically fit and ready to take the stage.
Read the full report:
Araújo L, Wasley D, Redding E, Atkins L, Perkins R, Ginsborg J, & Williamon A (2020), Fit to perform: a profile of higher education music students’ physical fitness, Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (298), 1-18 [DOI].
Film produced by: Tantrwm Digital Media